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Dancing to escape the poverty of a future of broken dreams Her childhood fantasies afire with glimmering fairies
Moving, swaying to the beat of an enchanted world unseen, Unexplored, uncharted, insistent in its beckoning call to know What is unknown.
The spirit of one so drawn into the hidden  World of the soul's delight must with caution approach the mystery  Lest she descend back into mind's darker realms leaving her  Chosen path behind. 
Not shame nor fear of growth deters her resolve nor determination to lay down ghosts of seasons past
Once kicking, fighting, resisting, to their well deserved eternal  Rest. 
With each awakening breath her heart quickens it's beat, Quietness gives rise to chatter.  The serpent emerges in full regalia  And the ancient dialogue begins again. 
Visions has she standing  Alone and naked bridging a landscape of the most treacherous terrain.
Navigating stormy waters, oceans and seas tumultuous rising Mountains and valleys blending into one.  
Elusive is the tranquility slumbering  Within the belly of the beast. 
Solitude once so invasive is now embraced  Giving voice to the song emerging from her depths.
The land of people, venturing into new territory, hidden once but not unseen  By the inner eye's curious glance; the child retreats the woman advances  And daybreak dawns casting its light through the haunted  Glen.
©Catherine L. Penney

 x  refers to the path we take in life, in which echo’s from our past may visit us. The difference being is that now they are in ghost form and we are not frightened by their occasional appearances because we have grown in mind, body, and spirit, and are able to let them go instead of remaining attached to them.

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