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The Window

There exists within the soul of man within the torment of insanity that tries the human mind and lays to waste his humanity a window.

It is a window wherein the light can glow illuminating the entire wasteland,

Making barren Deserts green, enriching the entire self. 

Planting a seed of awareness wherein blossoms a flower of hope

And grows a tree of understanding,

Preparing the way for transcendence and enlightenment

And grateful acceptance of the Path life's journey has chosen for the humble spirit,

A once fearfully tormented soul.

No matter how lost, forsaken, physically or mentally incapacitated a person may appear,

They have within them a window still intact.

It is to this window that I direct all my attention and love,

Allowing for a light more radiant than the world knows of to shine.

© Catherine L. Penney

The WindowCatherine Penney/Maudy Apon
00:00 / 03:14
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